Synchronizing with Effects
Effects’ purpose
- Run code after rendering so you can synchronize component with some system outside of React
Remember, we have (among other)
- Rendering code (must be pure)
- Event handlers- nested functions that do things. (have side effects) However, sometimes this isn’t enough. Example
component- need to connect to chat server whenever it’s visible on the screen- Issue: has side effect but not triggered by event handler So, Effect
- Specify side effects caused by rendering itself, rather than an event
**Note: don’t rush to add Effects to your components **
Writing an effect
- Declare an effect
import { useEffect } from 'react';
And thenuseEffect(() => { /* code */ });
Then, every time your component renders React will update screen, and then run code in useEffect
Issue: effects run after every render
- Specify effect’s dependencies
Default: runs after every render
Add an array of dependencies to the end of
- Specifies when to run
- Must include any things you depend on within the useEffect
for example- only runs useEffect when component mounts
- Add cleanup if needed Return a cleanup function, whch cleans up whatever mess you might have made e.g. →
Common patterns to deal with Effect firing twice
Typically: try and make setup
indistinguishable from setup -> cleanup -> setup
Controlling non-React widgets
Use case: adding UI widget whch isn’t written to React
Issue if doing something like showModal
- don’t want to call it twice.
So →
Subscrbing to events Unsubscribe in cleanup function!
Triggering animations Reset to original animation values in cleanup function
Fetching data Either abort or ignore its result Example →
Sending Analytics If logging, shouldn’t need to fix
Don’t use effect for
- Initializing application
- Things like sending buying request to api
- This is not caused by rendering
- Caused by a specific interaction
You might not neeed an effect
Effects are escape hatches!!
- You don’t need an effect to transform data for rending
- You don’t need effect to adjust some state based on some user event
- You do need effcts to synchronize with external systems
Some common concrete examples →
Updating state based on props or state
Say you have firstName
and lastName
and want fullName
Just declare const fullName = firstName + lastName;
Caching expensive calculations Might be tempted to use useEffect for expensive things. Example of what NOT to do
Instead, you can use the useMemo
hook to cache the expensive calculation
Resetting all state when a prop changes Say you want: reset all state when a state changes (ie switching chat boxes) Naive implementation would be using useEffect with dependency of what’s changing Instead-
- Tell React that each is different by passing an explicit key
- React treats them as differnt components which wouldn’t share any state
Adjusting some state when a prop changes Say you want: change state when prop changes Instead
- Adjust the state while you’re rendering using
But even more efficient to just calculate everything during rendering
Sharing logic between event handlers Say you want: show notification whenever user puts product in cart (2 buttons for this)
- Might be tempted to use
for this and update based on changes triggered by either - Unnecessary! Only use effects for code that sould run becausethe component was displayed to the user Instead, just put shared logic into function called from both handlers
Sending a POST request If related to user action and not something that was just displayed, don’t use
Chain of Computations Say you want to: adjust piece of state based on another state
- Instead, calculate what you can during rendering and adjust state in event handler
Initializing Application Remember that useEffect runs twice in development- this can cause issues
Notifying parent components about state changes Say you want to let a parent component know when internal state changes- so you call onchange event from effect Instead
- Update the state of both components within the same event handler
Passing data to parent Always pass data down to the child- let parent fetch the data instead
Subscribing to external store
Say you want to get data from outside of the React state
You can use useSyncExternalStore
Fetching data
You can use in useEffect
but make sure you add a cleanup function to ignore stale responses and avoid race conditions
Lifecycle of Reactive Effects
While components
- Mount
- Update
- Unmounet Effects only
- Start synchronizing
- Stop synchronizing
Why synchronization may need to happen more than once Example: connecting to ifferent chat rooms
How react re-synchronizes effect
- Calls cleanup function
- Runs effect with new value
Example workflow from component perspective (chat room example)
mounts withroomId
set to ‘general’- Effect connects to “general” room
mounts withroomId
set to ‘travel’- Effect disconnects from “general” and connects to “travel” room
unmounted- Effect disconnects from “travel” room
In development, React verifies that your effect can re-synchronize by forcing it to do that immediately in development
Use separate effects for separate and independent synchronization processes
Remember, reactive values must be included in depndencies
- Props, state, other values in component
- Note: all varibables in the comonent body are reactive
- Can move out of component or into useEffect if don’t want as dependencies
- Mutable values aren’t reactive
Pay attention to linter! Always a way to fix the code
Separating events from Effects
(BETA- more details here that I didn’t cover) Sometimes you want a mix of behavrio that’s event handler like but also like effect
- Effect which re-runs in response to some values but not other
lets you do that
Removing Effect Dependencies
Linter verifies you have all reactive vlues that the effect reads, in the list of dependencies BUT- don’t want unnecessary dependencies
Core idea: prove a dependency is not a dependency in order to remove it.
- You don’t “choose” your dependencies- each reactive value used must be in there
Check out dependencies- does it make sense for effect to re-run when any of the dependencies change?
Things to think about
Should this code be an effect at all? If responding to a particular interaction (ie. click)
- Put logic into event handler instead
Is effect doing unrelated things? Make sure code is atomized, with logic running when needed for its dependencies
Are you reading some state to calculate the next state? If modifying state but don’t want state itself to be a dependency, use an updater function instead
Want to read value without reacting to its changes? (BETA- didn’t add info here)