Queueing a Series of State Updates

Sometims ou want to perform multiple operations in state before queueing the next render

React batches state updates

  • Can’t just call setState(state+1) 10 times in a row (would be the same as once)
  • Batching React waits until all code in event handlers has run before processing your state updates (viz. waiter taking your order)

Updating same state multiple times

  • If you needed to update variable multiple times before newxt render, you can pass an updater function instead
    • setNumber(n => n + 1)
  • React still goes through the state queue, but now it doesn’t rely on old state

Updating Objects in State

You can store any Javscript value in state including objects

  • Treat objects as immutable- numbers numbres, booleans, strings Basically- treat state as read-only

Spread syntax

  • ie. setPerson({...person, firstname: e.target.value});
  • Also, you can use braces inside object definition to specify property with dynamic name
    • ie. setPerson({...person, [e.target.name]: e.target.value});
  • Note: spread syntax is shallow

Updating a nested object

  • ie. setPerson({...person, artwork: {...person.artwork, city: 'New Delhi'}});
  • Side note: objets aren’t actualy nested
    • “nested objects” are objects which point to other objects
  • Shortcut- Immer
    • Lets nested update look more like updatePerson(draft => {draft.artwork.city = 'Lagos';})

Updating Arrays in State

Treat arrays (like objects) as read-only!

  • Need to pass a new array in state setting function
  • Note: slice vs splice
    • splice- mutate array
    • slice - copy array or part of it

Add to array (spread)

  • setArtists([...artists, {id: nextId++, name: name}]); Removing from array (filter)
  • setArtists(artists.filter(a => a.id !== artist.id)); Changing all or some elements (map)
const nextShapes = shapes.map(shape => {
  if (shape.type === 'square') {
	// No change
	return shape;
  } else {
	// Return a new circle 50px below
	return {
	  y: shape.y + 50,

Replacing items in array (map) Inserting into an array (spread and slice())

    const nextArtists = [
      // Items before the insertion point:
      ...artists.slice(0, insertAt),
      // New item:
      { id: nextId++, name: name },
      // Items after the insertion point:

Other more complicated changes

  • Can always just const newArray = [...oldarray];and then make the changes Updating objects inside arrays
  • Need to create copies from teh point where you want to update, and all the way up to the top lvel

In general, ony mutate objects you have just created

Using Immer:

  • Makes it easy to update nested arrays without mutation