Goal: Attach to each pixel in an image a label from a set of predefined classes
Sliding Window Approach
(Naive approach): Classify one pixel per run
- Center sliding window onto a pixel and push through net to establish its labels.
- Sucks because
- Need a lot of data
- Inefficient
- Can’t use large neighborhoods
- No parameter reuse
Fully Convolutional Neural Net (FCNN) (better approach)
Behaves as a huge filter (input size is arbitrary, and output size depends on input)
Why is it better?
- Provides a featmap for each class
- Efficient evluation. end to end training
- Res use of shared parameters
- Less parameters
Transposed convolution:
Recover inital image resolution with the transposed convolution
What’s the problem?
- Spectrum of deep features
- Combine where with what
- Solution: add skip connections from finer convolutional layers
- Spectrum of deep features
Super computational heavy
We like to reduce feature spatial size
Now instead, down and upsample
- Downsample: pooling, strided convolution
- Upsmpling: unpooling
- Unpooling
- Nearest neighbor
- Bed of nails
- Max unpooling (remember which element on grid was the max- use those positions for bed of nails)
- Learnable upsampling (with transposed convolutions, strided)
- Learn filter which takes weights from input to upsample
- Unpooling
- cross entropy basically
AutoEncoder architectures
Encoder-Decoder (alternative approach)
- Encoder
- VGG16-baed (13 conv layers)
- Conv layers 3x3, stride 1 + batch norm + ReLU
- Max Pooling 2x2, stride 2
- Stored max pool indices (for later upsampling
- Decoder
- Unsampled Sparse feature map
- Transposed convolutions decoder filter bank
- Batch Norm + ReLU
- Unpooling
- classification
- Multiclass softmax trainable classifier (each pixel is a soft max)
- class requency balancing
Encoder-decoder + Skip connections (eclectic approach)
- Stacked hourglass