Subword Modelling

Byte-pair encoding

  1. Start with vocab of only characters and EOW
  2. Use ocrpus of text and find most common adjacent characters
  3. Replace instances of character pari with new subword; repeat until desired vocab size Vocab mapping
  • e..g taaaaasty → (taa##, aaa###, sty)

pretrained word embeddings → pretrained models

Better representations of language



  • Encoders
    • Bidirectional context
  • Encoder-Decoders

  • Decoders
    • Langauge mdoels
    • Nice to generate from

Encoder-only Pretraining

Masked language modeling

BERT specifically

  • Input subword →
    • MASK 80%
    • Random token 10%
    • Unchanged 10%

Limitations of pretrained encoders

  • good for comprehension/representation + filling in text
  • not great for autoregressive generation methods

Encoder-Decoder Pretraining

Training objective?

  • Span corruption: replace different-length spans with unique placeholders- decode out the spans that were removed
  • Still looks like language modelling at the decoder side


  • Can be finetuned for wide range of question types

Decoder-only Pretraining

Pretrain as language model, then use as generator, finetuning their

Finetuning: train a classifier on the last word’s hidden state

Section 2: Prompting + RLHF

Zero Shot + Few Shot In Context Learning

GPT has emergent capabilities GPT review

  • Transformer decoder- 12 layers GPT-2 (same architecture but larger) showed zero-shot learning
  • Learn task with no examples, no graident updates- just specifying prediction problem
  • beat SoTa on langauge modeling without task-specific fine-tuning

GPT-3: few shot learning (in context learning)

  • Specify task by prepending examples of task before examples
  • No gradient updates

Chain of thought prompting (also emergent property of model scale)

  • Demonstrate sample chain of thought

Zero-shot chain of thought prompting

  • “Let’s think step by step”

Instruction Finetuning

Collect examples (instruction / output pairs) + finetune language model Then, evaluate on unseen tasks

As per usualy- data/mode scale is required

New benchmarks for multitask LMs

  • MMLU- diverse knowledge intensive tasks
  • BIGBench-200+ tasks like ASCII art meaning

Limitations of finetuning

  • Ground truth data = expensive
  • Open ended creative generation have no right answer
  • LMs penalie token level mistakes equally- but some erros are worse than other (ie. comparing blue vs tasty or green)=


Goal: somehow train language model to optimize for human preferences


  • Typical policy gradient stuff, trying to learn a policy to optimize expected human preferences Issue: we need a non-differentiable reward function that models human preferences Solution: model preferences with separate NLP problem
  • Train Language model to predict human preferences, and then optimze for Issue 2: human judgements are miscalibrated Solution: ask for pairwise comparisons, then use a paried comparison model
    • : winning sample
    • : losing sample

Make sure reward model works first!

Now we have

  • Pretrained (possibly instruction finetuned) LM
  • Reward model which produces scalar rewards for LM outputs
  • Method for optimizing LM parametesr towarsd reward function To do RLHF
  • Initialize copy of model with parameters that we would like to optimize
  • Optimize the following reward with RL
    • terms is KL-divergence between the two terms

Limitations of RL + Reward Modeling

  • Human preferences are unreeliable
  • Models o fhuman preferences are even more unreliable

What’s Next


  • Very fast-moving
  • Still data expensive
  • Likely not a panacea RL from AI feedback?