Subword Modelling
Byte-pair encoding
- Start with vocab of only characters and EOW
- Use ocrpus of text and find most common adjacent characters
- Replace instances of character pari with new subword; repeat until desired vocab size Vocab mapping
- e..g taaaaasty → (taa##, aaa###, sty)
pretrained word embeddings → pretrained models
Better representations of language
- Encoders
- Bidirectional context
- Decoders
- Langauge mdoels
- Nice to generate from
Encoder-only Pretraining
Masked language modeling
BERT specifically
- Input subword →
- MASK 80%
- Random token 10%
- Unchanged 10%
Limitations of pretrained encoders
- good for comprehension/representation + filling in text
- not great for autoregressive generation methods
Encoder-Decoder Pretraining
Training objective?
- Span corruption: replace different-length spans with unique placeholders- decode out the spans that were removed
- Still looks like language modelling at the decoder side
- Can be finetuned for wide range of question types
Decoder-only Pretraining
Pretrain as language model, then use as generator, finetuning their
Finetuning: train a classifier on the last word’s hidden state
Section 2: Prompting + RLHF
Zero Shot + Few Shot In Context Learning
GPT has emergent capabilities GPT review
- Transformer decoder- 12 layers GPT-2 (same architecture but larger) showed zero-shot learning
- Learn task with no examples, no graident updates- just specifying prediction problem
- beat SoTa on langauge modeling without task-specific fine-tuning
GPT-3: few shot learning (in context learning)
- Specify task by prepending examples of task before examples
- No gradient updates
Chain of thought prompting (also emergent property of model scale)
- Demonstrate sample chain of thought
Zero-shot chain of thought prompting
- “Let’s think step by step”
Instruction Finetuning
Collect examples (instruction / output pairs) + finetune language model Then, evaluate on unseen tasks
As per usualy- data/mode scale is required
New benchmarks for multitask LMs
- MMLU- diverse knowledge intensive tasks
- BIGBench-200+ tasks like ASCII art meaning
Limitations of finetuning
- Ground truth data = expensive
- Open ended creative generation have no right answer
- LMs penalie token level mistakes equally- but some erros are worse than other (ie. comparing blue vs tasty or green)=
Goal: somehow train language model to optimize for human preferences
- Typical policy gradient stuff, trying to learn a policy to optimize expected human preferences Issue: we need a non-differentiable reward function that models human preferences Solution: model preferences with separate NLP problem
- Train Language model to predict human preferences, and then optimze for Issue 2: human judgements are miscalibrated Solution: ask for pairwise comparisons, then use a paried comparison model
- : winning sample
- : losing sample
Make sure reward model works first!
Now we have
- Pretrained (possibly instruction finetuned) LM
- Reward model which produces scalar rewards for LM outputs
- Method for optimizing LM parametesr towarsd reward function To do RLHF
- Initialize copy of model with parameters that we would like to optimize
- Optimize the following reward with RL
- terms is KL-divergence between the two terms
Limitations of RL + Reward Modeling
- Human preferences are unreeliable
- Models o fhuman preferences are even more unreliable
What’s Next
- Very fast-moving
- Still data expensive
- Likely not a panacea RL from AI feedback?