
Reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications

Typically, data-intensive appls are built from standard building blocks. Many applications need to:

  • Store data (databases)
  • Remove result of expensive operation (caches)
  • Allow users to search data by keyword or filter in various ways (search indexes)
  • Send message to another process to be handled asynchronously (stream processing)
  • Periodically crunch large amount of data (data processing)

Thinking about data systems

The building blocks (caches, queues, etc.) wseem quite idfferent- why lump them togethr?

  • Lots of overlap between categories
  • No single tool can meet of data processing or storage needs When you combine several tools, you’ve baseically createda. new special-purpose data system

When designing these things, 3 concerns are most important

  • Reliability: work correctly even in face of adversity
  • Scalability: should have reasonable ways of dealing with the system’s growth
  • Maintainability: engineers should be able to work on it productively


Typical expectations

  • Application performs function user expected
  • Can tolerate user making mistakes
  • Performance good enough for the use case under expected lload / data volume
  • Prevents unauth access and abus

Our goal should be to create fault-tolerant systems

  • Might want to actually increase rate of faults by triggering them deliberately

Fault vs failure

  • Fault: One component deviating from its spec
  • Failure: system stop providing service to user Goal: prevent faults from causing failures

Hardware Faults

  • e.g. hard disk crashes, faulty RAM, blackout, etc. With > data volume and computing demands, many many machines, and thus need to tolerate the loss of entire machines

Software Errors Systematic error within the system Examples

  • Software bug which caues each instance of an applcication server to crash when given a particular bad inpu
  • Runaway process which uses up some shared resource
  • Etc.

Human Errors Inherently unreliable Combine several approaches

  • MInimize opportunities for error
  • Decouple places where people make the most mistakes from where they can cause failures
  • Test thorougly
  • Enable quick recovery
  • Clear monitoring


  • Ability to cope with increased load Consider key qustions e.g.
  • How can we add computing resources to handle additional load?
  • If system grows x way, what are our optins for coping with the growth?

Describing Load Load is described with a few number- load parameters Depends on your system’s architecture e.g.

  • Requests per second to web server
  • Ratio of reads to writes
  • etc.

As an example, for Twitter- the scaling challenge comes from fan-out

Describing performance After describing load, can investivate what happens when load increases 2 ways of looking at it- when you increase a load parameter…

  • and keep system resources unchanged, how does performance change?
  • how much do you need to increase resources to keep performance unchanged? Need to have performance numbers to think about this
  • E.g. in batch processing- throughput
  • Latency
  • Response time percentiles

Approaches to coping with load How to maintain good performance when load parameters increase? Note: likely you’ll need to rethink your architecture on every order of magnitude load increase (maybe more often)

Scaling up vs scaling out Distributing load across multiple machines: shared-nothing architecture Elastic systems: can automatically add resources when detect load increase


Main cost of software- ongoing maintenance

3 principles

  • Operability
  • Simpliciy
  • Evolvability

Operability: making life easy for Opeartions Operations teams need to

  • Monitor health of system + be able to quickly restore
  • Tracking down cause of problems
  • Keep software and platforms up to date
  • Keep tabs on how different systema ffect each other
  • Anticipate problems
  • Establish good practices/tools for deployment, etc.
  • Complex maintenance tasks
  • Security of system as config changes are made
  • Define processes to make opeartions predictable
  • Preserve knowledge Data systems can make routine tasks easy
  • Provide visibility with good monitoring
  • Good support for automatiion + integration with standard tools
  • Avoid dependency on individual machines
  • Provide good documentation and easy-to-understand operational model
  • Self-heal where appropriate

Simplicity: managing complexity Large systems get complex!

Symptoms of complexity

  • Large state space
  • Tight coupling of modules
  • Tangled dependencies
  • Naming / terminology
  • Et cetera

Remove accidental complexity- don’t necessarily decrease its functionality

  • Accidental complexity: if not inherent in the problem that the software solves, but insteadi s from the implementation
  • How? Abstraction- hide the implementation details

Evolvability: making change easy System requirements will very likely change over time as you learn new facts, etc. Agility on data system level: evolvability

In sum

Appication has various requirements

  • Functional: what it can do
  • Nonfunctional: compliance, scalability, reliability, etc. Reliability: systems work correctly even with faults Scalability: strategies for keeping performance good Mainainability: making life better for engineering + ops teams