Events are an extremely important aspect of React to handle. They allow us to deal with and update our state bsed on user interactions. Event handlers are what allow us to actually deal with updates from events.

Event handlers: functions triggered in response to user interactions

  • Built-in components’s like <button> only support built-in browser-events like onclick
  • You can build your own event handlers
  • Name typically begins with “handle”

Adding event handler

  • Pass as prop
  • Can also define inline with arrow function onclick={() => {function();}}

Pitfall: Functions passed to event handlers must be passed, not called

  • ie <button onClick={handleClick}>


  • You can pass prop as the event handler

Naming event handler props

  • Convention: start with on

Note: make sure to use appropriate HTML tags for event handlers

Event propagation

  • Events bubble up the tree- one by one
  • Except for onScroll- only works on JSX tag its attached to

Stopping propagation

  • You can call e.stopPropagation(); to stop event propagation from going further
  • Note: if yu really need to catch all events on child elements, even if they stopped propagation (ie. for logging every click for analytics), you can use Capture at end of the event name (ie. onClickCapture)
    • Thus, each event propagates in 3 phases
      • Travels downwards, calling all onClickCapture handleres
      • Runs clicked element’s onClick handler
      • Travels up, calling all onClick handlers

Preventing default behavior

  • Use e.preventDefault() to prevent browser default behavior