High performance browser networking is the sum total of each of the parts of our networking technogies
- Speed of light and distance dictate propagation latency
- Medium (wired vs wireless) determines processing, transmission, queuing, and other delays incurred by each data packet
While wec an’t make bits travel faster, we can optimize transport and application layer optimizations to eliminate unenecseary rountrips, requestsand minimie distance traveled by each packet
API Layer
- Optimize resource downloads, beacons, etc.
Physical layer
- Ensure each server is using latest TCP + TLS best practices
Application layer
- Work around limitations of HTTP 1.x
- Learn to leverage performance nehamncements in HTTP 2.0
- Evergreen performance best practices
Evergreen Performance best practices
Always try to
- Eliminate / reduce unnecesary latency
- Minimize amount of transfered bytes
Foundation for dozens of other familiar performance rules
- Reduce DNS Lookups
- Reuse TCP Connections
- Minimize number of HTTP redirects (ideally 0)
- Use a CDN
- Eliminate unnecessary resources
HTTP also has some mechanisms you can use (which are the following)
Cache Resources on the Client
This lets you eliminate requests
For HTTP resources- set appropriate headers
specificy cache lifetime of resourceLast-Modified
as validation mechanisms
When possible, specify an explicit cahce lifetime for each resource + validation mechanism
Compress transferred data
Always apply best compression method for each asset you use
- Text-based can be reduced by 60-80% typically
Images, however-
1/2 of bytes avg.
- Can eliminate unnecessary metadata
- Resize on server
- Optimal image formats (e.g. webp)
- Use lossy compression
Eliminate Unecessary Request Bytes
HTTP = stateless, server doesn’t need to retain information about client
Many applications require state (session management, personalization, analytics, etc.)
HTTP lets you associate/update cookie metadata for its origin (~4kb limit)
Monitor cookie size judiciously! ANd leverage.a shared sesion cache on teh server to look up other metadta
Parallelize Request. Response Processing
To get fastest respone times, all resource requests should be dispatched as soon as possible.
Best performance best practices
- Connection keepalive + HTTP 1.0 → 1.1
- Multiple HTTP 1.1 when necesary for parllel downloads
- HTTP 1.1 pipelining
- Investigate HTTP 2.0
- Make sure server can process requests in parallel
Optimizing for HTTP 1.x