CNN review

RNNs can’t capture phrases without prefix context

  • Often capture too much of last word in final vector

Core CNN Idea: what if we compute vectors for every possible word subsequence of a certain length and hten group them afterwards?


  • 1d:
  • Classically used to extract image features
  • Basically same as image convolutoin but for 1d and text- same ideas of stride, pool, and padding

CNN for Sentence Classification

Goal: sentence classification

SIngle layer CNN for sentence classification

  1. Sentence = concatenation of word vectors
  2. Apply filters to concatenation of words in range
  3. Apply convolution filter to all possible windows
  4. Compute feature for each CNN layer (length h)
  5. Result: feature map
  6. Can use pooling
  7. Final softmax layer

CNN Potpourri

Growing Toolkit

  1. Bag of vectors: suprisingly good baseline for classification
  2. Window Models: Good for single word classification without wide context
  3. CNNs: Good for classification- easy to parallelize
  4. RNNs: Cognitively plausible, but not best for classification
  5. Transformers: Basically best thing since slided bread

Deep CNN for sentence classification

What happens if we build deep vision-like system for NLP?

  • Working up from character level

Example- VD-CNN: kind of like VGG or ResNet Each convolutional block

  • 2 Conv Layers
  • Btch norm
  • ReLU

Tree Recursive Neural Nets

Human language kind of recursive

  • Think of recursion structure- term refers to term which refers to _, etc. in a tree like structure

How to map phrases into vector space?

  • Use principle of compositionality
  • Meaning (vector) of phrase / sentence is determined by
    • Meanings of its words
    • Rules that combine them

Recursive models: jointly learn sparse trees and compositional vector representations

  • Require tree structures

For structure prediction

  • Input: 2 candidate childrens’s representations
  • Output:
    • Semantic representation if two nerds are merged
    • Score of how plausible new node would be

Recursive Neural Tensor Networks

Idea: allow both additive and mediated multiplicative interactions of vectors