CNN review
RNNs can’t capture phrases without prefix context
- Often capture too much of last word in final vector
Core CNN Idea: what if we compute vectors for every possible word subsequence of a certain length and hten group them afterwards?
- 1d:
- Classically used to extract image features
- Basically same as image convolutoin but for 1d and text- same ideas of stride, pool, and padding
CNN for Sentence Classification
Goal: sentence classification
SIngle layer CNN for sentence classification
- Sentence = concatenation of word vectors
- Apply filters to concatenation of words in range
- Apply convolution filter to all possible windows
- Compute feature for each CNN layer (length h)
- Result: feature map
- Can use pooling
- Final softmax layer
CNN Potpourri
Growing Toolkit
- Bag of vectors: suprisingly good baseline for classification
- Window Models: Good for single word classification without wide context
- CNNs: Good for classification- easy to parallelize
- RNNs: Cognitively plausible, but not best for classification
- Transformers: Basically best thing since slided bread
Deep CNN for sentence classification
What happens if we build deep vision-like system for NLP?
- Working up from character level
Example- VD-CNN: kind of like VGG or ResNet Each convolutional block
- 2 Conv Layers
- Btch norm
- ReLU
Tree Recursive Neural Nets
Human language kind of recursive
- Think of recursion structure- term refers to term which refers to _, etc. in a tree like structure
How to map phrases into vector space?
- Use principle of compositionality
- Meaning (vector) of phrase / sentence is determined by
- Meanings of its words
- Rules that combine them
Recursive models: jointly learn sparse trees and compositional vector representations
- Require tree structures
For structure prediction
- Input: 2 candidate childrens’s representations
- Output:
- Semantic representation if two nerds are merged
- Score of how plausible new node would be
Recursive Neural Tensor Networks
Idea: allow both additive and mediated multiplicative interactions of vectors