Lots of video models
Single Frame CNN
Good baseline
Core idea: just train a normal 2D CN to classify video frames independently!
Late Fusion
Intuition: high level appearance of each frame + combine them
Run 2D CNN on each frame → concatenate features → feed to MLP
With pooling: Run 2D CNN on each frame → pool features → feed to linear
Issue: hard to compare low level motion between frames
Early Fusion
Compare frames (temporal dimension) in first conv layer, then standard 2D CNN
- Collapse all temporal info in first conv
No temporal shift invariance! Separate filters for same motion at different times
Isue: only one layer of emporal processing- may not be enough
Intuition: 3d version of convolution + pooling to slowly fuse temporal info over the course of the network
Temporal shift invariant! Each filter slides over time
Ecah layer: 4D tensor: D x T x H x W
- 3D Conv
- 3D Pooling
C3D: the VGG of 3D CNNs 3D CNN which uses all 3x3x3 conv and 2x2x2 pooling (also a Pool1 which is 1x2x2)
Still has issue- 3x3x3 Conv is very expensive
Idea: optical flow
Measure motion
Optical flow highlights lcoal motion
- Where each pixel will move in the next frame
Two stream networks
Separating motion and appearance
2 inputs
- Stack of optical flow
- Single image
Modeling long-term temporal structure
- So far, temporal CNNs only model local motion- what about long-term structure?
Process local features using recurrent network
Can use multi layer RNN type structure to process videos
Recurrent convolutional network
- In normal 2D CNN: Input → (2d Conv) → Output features
- Recurrent CNN Features from Layer L, timestep L and features from Layer L-1, timestep T → (RNN-like recurrence) → feautres for layer L, timestep t
Issue: RNNs are slow for long seuqnces (not parallelizable)
Recall: different ways of processing sequences
- RNN: for ordered sequences (in video, CNN+RNN)
- Pros: Good for long sequences
- Cons: Not parallelizable
- 1D Convolution: for multidimensional grids (in video: 3d Convolution)
- Pros: highly parllel
- Cons: Bad at long sequences
- Self-Attention: for sets of vectors
- Pros: Good for local sequences, highly parallel
- Cons: Memory intensive
Spatio-Temporal Self-Attention TODO
Inflating 2D Networks to 3D (I3D)
- Already lots of work done on images, can we extend to video?
- Idea: take 2D CNN architecture + replace each 2D conv/pool with 3D version
- Can use weights to initialize 3D conv, copy in space and divide
Vision Transformers for Video
- Factorized Attention
- Pooling module
Visualizing Video Models
There are more tasks than just classifying short clips
Temporal Action Localization
- Given long untrimmed video, identify frames corresponding to actions
Spatio-Temporal Detection
- Give long untrimmed video, dertect peoplel in space and time + classify activities