Base info

Constituency = phrase structure grammar = context-free grammar (throwback)

Phrase structure- organize words into nested constituents

  • Words → phrases → bigger phrases

Example definiions of phrases

  • Define a noun phrase NP = det (adj) N (PP)
  • Same for PP → P NP

Contrast with dependency structure

  • what modifies/depends on what?
  • Represent with arrows

Why do we need this anyhow?

  • Human language is complex, represent abstract concepts + complicated things with combninations of words
  • Ambiguity
    • Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity
      • Which can multiply
    • Coordination scope ambiguity (mod of what?)
      • E.g. first hand job experience
    • Verb phrase attachment ambiguity
      • e.g. mutilated body on Rio Beach to be used for Olympics beach volleybal
  • Dependency phths helps extract semantic interpretation (e.g. in a drug context)

Dependency Structure

Parse trees in NLP

  • Use to analye syntactic structure of sentences

Dependencies: the binary asymmetric relations (Often arranged in a tree tructure)

  • Arrow from head to dependent, usually typed with name of grammatical relations
  • Connects head with dependent
  • Usualy add a fake root so every word depends on one node


  • Annotated data of dependencies in sentences
  • Why?
    • Reuse labor (can build parsers on it)
    • Broad coverage
    • useful frequencies + distributional information
    • Evaluation method

Dependency conditioning

Good sources of info for dependency parsing

  • Bilexical affinities
  • Dependency ditance
  • Intervening material (lots of nouns?)
  • Valency of heads (how many dependents are usual for a head and which side?)

Dependency parsing

Goal: mapping from input sentence with words to its dependency tree graph

Constraints (usually):

  • Only one word dependent of root
  • No cycles a ←b →a
  • Can arrows be non-pojective or not?


  • Projective parse: no crossing dependency arcs when words laid out linearly
  • Dependencies for CFG tree definitionally are projective
  • Usualy allow for non-projective structure

Typical methods of dependency parsing

  1. Dynamic Programming-
  2. Graph algorithms
  3. Constraint satisfaction
  4. Transition-based / determinitic dependency parsing
    1. Greedy choise of attachments guided by ml classifiers

2 subproblems

  1. Learning: Given training set of sentences annotated with dependency graphs, induce a parsing model M that can be used to parse new sentences
  2. Parsing: Given a parsing model M and sentence S, derive the optimal dependency graph D for S according to M.

Transition based dependency parsing

Key idea: Use state machine which defines possible transitions

  • The larning problem: induce model
  • The parsing problem: construct optimal equnce of tranitions, given previously induced model

Greedy deterministic tranition based parsing

Transition system

  • state machine (states + transitions)

States: for sentence , state described with

  1. stack of words from S
    1. LIFO
    2. Those that have already been read- being considered for forming relationships
  2. buffer of words from S
    1. FIFO
    2. Remaining input word
  3. Dependency arcs set of the form
    1. w: word
    2. r: relation

For any sentenec

  1. Initial state is of the form
    1. Only the root is on the stack
  2. Terminal state has form

Transition type between states

  1. SHIFT: Move first word in the buffer to top of the stack
    1. Precondition: buffer nonempty
  2. LEFT-ARC: Add dependency arc to the arc set A, where and are respectively second and first top of the stack. Remove from the stack
    1. Preconditions: >2 in stack and not the root
  3. RIGHT-ARC: Add dependency arc to the arc set A, where and are respectively second and first top of the stack. Remove from the stack
    1. Precondition: >2 in stack

Think about example sequence

Key question how do you choose the next action?

  • Not clear what dependency arc to assign, or when to shift instead

Answer use a dicriminative classifier (e.g. softmax)

In simplest form, no search

  • VERY fast, linear time

Greedy Transition-based Neural Dependency Parsing

Goal of model: predict transition sequence from some intiial configuration to a terimnal configuration Since greedy

  • Tries to predict one transition at a time, based on features from current configuration

Feature selection

What should the input to neural network be?

Generally features for a given sentence S are some subset of

  • : vector representation of some of the words in S (and dependents)
    • e.g. top 3 word on stack and buffer, and first+second left/rightmost children of top 2 words
  • : POS tag (from small discrete set)
  • : arc label for some of the words in S (from small discrete set)

Conventional feature selection

  • Categorical indicator features: use a bunch of feature temapltes and fill out a binary, sparse vector
  • Not efficient at all!

Instead, learn a dense + compact feature representation

  • Use vectors to represent
    • Words
    • POS tags
    • Dependency labels

To get features

  • Extract tokens by using the buffer and stack positions
  • Contatenate vector representation of features- ie. words, POS, and dependencies

Why are neural dependency parsers better?

  • Distributed representations
  • Non-linear classifiers

General architectures

  • Stack + buffer Input Layer X (lookup in matrix + contatenate) Hidden Lyaer Output Layer (softmax)